I’m Pregnant With Baby #5

We are beyond excited to welcome our 5th child this new year.
Every good and perfect gift is from above and I lovingly receive every blessing God has for me on this journey of motherhood. I will never forget these years. As beautiful and hard as they have been, they have definitely been the best years of my life. Embrace the beautiful and the hard. Hard doesn’t mean bad it just means hard 😉
THIS is truly my highest honor… Growing, birthing, nurturing, teaching and loving on these sweet babes given to me but for a moment. I want to be found faithful in the eyes of my God. I know these precious souls entrusted to me are going to change the world.
I’m sure you all have so many questions and I will be answering them all soon. Thank you so much for all the love. I am so excited and can’t wait to share more of my pregnancy journey with you.
Ask away, I love connecting with you all <3