Faithful Mothering

I’m in a really sweet spot in motherhood. Doing the hard and holy work of mothering. Seeing the fruit of my labor is just a sweet cherry on top.
I don’t know who needs to hear this but don’t allow well meaning voices, influencers, pastors, authors, etc to influence your motherhood. Go straight to God! There are very specific things I feel the Holy Spirit say a firm NO to when it comes to my children and I obey. I may not fully understand in the moment but I trust that God fashioned and purposed my children for great things and my job as their mother is to cultivate it ALL. You can’t do that faithfully if you’re allowing your motherhood to fall into the comparison trap or worse listening to banging cymbals that say “do it this way”.
I am parenting my children the way I believe God wants ME to raise them. Not the way a post or parenting philosophy believes I should. God has given YOU MAMA all things pertaining to life and godliness and that includes raising your children for His glory.